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Travel Online Training

Concur Required Training:

Below are the required training materials for Travel Concur by role type. You have the option to watch the videos, read the Tip Sheets, or a combination of both. Once complete, you will complete the last step by certifying and submitting the Concur Access Form

Step 1: Getting Started: Booking Travel

Step 2: Select the appropriate tile to see the training material most appropriate for your role. Depending on your role, you may need to visit multiple tiles.

Filter Videos By Role:


You book your own travel and/or create your own expense reports

Travel Arranger:

You book travel on behalf of other employee travelers

A Traveler Arranger has access to a traveler’s Travel Tab and can book travel on behalf of the traveler.

Delegate Preparer:

You prepare requests and expense reports for other travelers

A Delegate Preparer has access to a traveler’s Request and Expense Tabs and can create requests and expense reports on behalf of the traveler.



You review and approve expense reports

Delegate Previewer:

You support an Approver by reviewing requests and expense reports in their approval queue

A Delegate Previewer has access to an approver’s Approval Tab and can preview requests and reports pending the action from the approver.

Delegate Preparer:

You prepare requests and expense reports for other travelers

A Delegate Preparer has access to a traveler’s Request and Expense Tabs and can create requests and expense reports on behalf of the traveler.

Book a Flight
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Adding an Additional Review Step

Sending Back an Expense Report

Reviewing and Approving an Expense Report

Approving Travel Request

Deleting an Expense Report
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Correcting and Resubmitting an Expense Report
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Converting Foreign Currency Transactions
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Entering Personal Car Mileage
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Adding Attendees to a Business Meal
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Working with Available Receipts
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Concur Expense: Allocating Expenses – Chartfields
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Allocating Expenses
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Itemizing Nightly Lodging Expenses
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Adding Card Transactions to an Expense Report
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Adding an Out-of-Pocket Expense to an Expense Report
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Creating a New Expense Report
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Creating a new Expense Report from an Approved Request
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Book a Car
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Book a Hotel
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Creating and Submitting a Travel Request for Non-employee
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Requesting a Cash Advance
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Creating and Submitting a Request
Delegate / Arranger Traveler

Acting as a Delegate
Delegate / Arranger

Capturing Receipts

Logging on to Concur Mobile App

Concur Profile: Confirm/Add Travel Arrangers/Delegates

Concur Profile: Activate E-Receipts

Updating your Travel Profile

Key Reminders

Register International Trips
Prepare and submit SAP Concur Request at least 3 weeks prior to the departure date. Travel registration submitted less than three weeks before the departure date will require VP approval.
All Travel Registration Changes
Changing a reservation may result in a price change or a new ticket purchase. Concur reservations are managed by Christopherson Business Travel, please contact the travel agency for assistance. Email Phone: 801-587-9005 Business Office Hours: Monday thru Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm After Business Hours: 1-888-739-7011 and refer to code: C0Z University of Utah
Booking Group Travel (10+ travelers on the same reservation)

Contact Christopherson Business Travel for group pricing after registering Group Trip with a submitted Concur Request. Group Travel cannot be booked within the Concur Travel online booking tool.