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Non-Employee Travel

Bringing a Non-Employee to Campus

For non-employees visiting the University of Utah, we encourage travel arrangers to book travel with Christopherson Business Travel to leverage university-negotiated airfare, car, and rental discounts. Please use the agency forms for booking assistance or contact the agency via email at or call 801-587-9005.

Hotel reservations at one of the six university-preferred hotels may be booked with the travel agency or directly with the hotel. A TCard is required to pay for a hotel if direct bill (prepaid) is needed for the hotel stay.

Preferred Method:

Use Christopherson Business Travel to reserve airfare, hotel, and/or car rental.

Concur Request

  • Get a quote from the agency by submitting the Trip Quote form or email the agency at If you know the flights you want to book, proceed to the Book a Trip form or use the Car/Hotel Only form if airfare is not needed.
  • Register the trip in Concur by creating a Request ID on the employee’s Concur account who will manage the trip.
  • After creating and submitting the Request, submit the Book a Trip form or email the agency with the trip details. The agency will book an on-hold reservation and email it to the travel arranger to review and approve. Concur does not send the agency information to book the trip after the request is created.
  • If the on-hold reservation is accurate, the final step is to submit the Confirm a Trip form which authorizes the agency to issue the ticket. Failure to submit the form by the end of the day may result in trip cancellation. Once the form is received, the agency will issue the ticket and email it to the travel arranger.

It's important to note that non-employee travel cannot be booked using the online Concur Booking Tool and is only used for nonemployee travel to register the trip (Request ID) and to do the expense report when the trip is completed.


For non-employees coming to visit us, we encourage Travel Arrangers to leverage one of the six university-preferred hotels. The University of Utah has preferred rates with these hotels.  We recommend using your TCard – if you don’t have a TCard, you can submit a TCard application.